Rohan Patrick McDonald

Reel, "Divvy from"
HBO, "AKA Mr. Chow"
"Culture & Work"
"Admissions Granted"
Liam Kazar, "Nothing To You"
"Seeking Balance"


Current Location
Boston, USA 🇺🇸
Country of Origin
Switzerland 🇨🇭

Rohan McDonald is a director, animator, and illustrator currently based in Boston, Massachusetts. While his work spans many different visual styles and media, it consistently remains grounded in a hand-drawn perspective. Rohan is fascinated by analog techniques and explores his creativity by blending print media, animation, music, and sound design. Whether he's working on a commercial piece, contributing to a documentary film, or lending his skills to a non-profit, Rohan elevates visual content for the likes of brands and organizations such as Google, HBO, MSNBC Films, The Atlantic, 826CHI, through his use of traditional animation sensibilities.

My current phone background is…
My regal and unexpectedly large cat Milton.
As a kid, I loved to draw…
Dinosaurs, apparently I started with the feet first. I also loved drawing planes from the front.
My favourite clients are those who…
Trust the creative process and are excited to collaborate and explore together.
My solution to creative block is…
To sketch regardless, with no pressure on the outcome. Let my hand find the shapes and movements that feel right.
For inspiration, I look to…
Graphic design history, architecture magazines, and complex patterns in nature.

Welcome to Jacky Winter Fall/Winter ‘25. Each season a new artist creates original imagery using our site as their playground. The current artwork (above) comes from Zac Fay. Learn more about our seasonal model of representation and other FAQ.

Want to submit a folio?


52 Budd Street
Collingwood, VIC 3066


The Exchange, Somerset House
London, WC2R 1LA
United Kingdom


228 Park Ave S, PMB 66862
New York, NY 10003-1502
United States of America

The Jacky Winter Group Acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands we are on and pays respect to their Elders past and present.

The Jacky Winter Group is a member of the AOI and AMA and abides by the relevant code of practice for artist agents.

© The Jacky Winter Group and its respective artists and/or client 2025